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5 Telltale Signs that You Need to Call an Electrician in Randwick

Are you wondering when is the right time to call an electrician in Randwick? 

Our modern lives cannot function without electricity. Without a proper electrical system, we cannot turn on the lights or charge our devices and go online. It is a scary thought. Your house and business will cease to function, and we are at a standstill.

Electrician Randwick

Although many of us have become DIYers, and we take pride in fixing things on our own, the electrical system should not be one of them. We should leave it to the hands of professional electricians Randwick. These things are dangerous and something that you should not mess with.

Now that we got that out of the way, let us focus on the five signs to call a local electrician Randwick.

🔌 Tripping Circuit Breakers

We all have experienced circuit breaker tripping at some point in our lives. It is its job to mitigate the potential electrical issues by cutting off the power supply. However, if the tripping is persistent it is about time to call an emergency electrician Randwick to intervene.

If your circuit breaker trips every time you plug in your vacuum cleaner, we advise you to call an electrician to check on what is causing the breaker to trip. It could be overloaded, and you need to install new outlets. Whatever the case, an expert can easily diagnose the problem and recommend solutions.

🔌 Flickering Lights Every Time You Use an Appliance

If you notice your lights flickering every time you plug in a particular appliance, you should call an electrician Randwick. There could be an overload or there is an increase in power demand to run that particular appliance and is impacting other devices along the line.

Sometimes the light could flicker even if there is no appliance in use. There is a serious issue affecting your circuit. It must be overloaded and needs immediate attention. Since there are many causes at play here, the best step forward is to call an electrician.

🔌 Warm Outlets, Power Points, and Lights

These electrical components are not supposed to be warm. If you notice that the outlets are warm to touch, it is an obvious sign that you need an electrician at Randwick. However, before calling an electrician make sure to shut down the power from the mains. This sign can quickly escalate into an electrical fire. You must cut off the power and call an expert immediately. 

🔌 Electric Shocks When Plugging Things In

Have you ever experienced an electric shock when you plug an appliance into an outlet? You are not the only person to have minor electric shocks like this. It is, by the way, a clear indication that there is an underlying problem in your electrical system. 

However, don’t call that electrician yet. Monitor the incidence for consistency. If the electric shocks are frequent and on the same spot, then you better call an emergency electrician Randwick right away. While the reason could be as simple as faulty wires, there is no harm in letting a professional diagnose the problem. 

🔌 Humming Sounds

Electrical systems are relatively quiet. So, when you hear strange sounds like buzzing or humming noises behind your wall, there is a high probability that the weird sound is coming from your electrical systems. 

The noise can be caused by frayed or poor wiring. Sometimes, it is due to loose screws in the electrical connector. Whatever the case may be, it is always safer to have an electrician check them out.

Emergency electrician Randwick
DRS Electrical

If you are in the Randwick area, the licensed electricians from DRS Electrical Services are ready to help. They are highly rated for their quality work and excellent customer service.

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